CASA Anchors

Since 2019, CASA has assigned an advocate for every child in foster care in Hancock County. We believe that one caring adult in the life of a child could drastically change a child’s story. In December of 2023, the program expanded to include Hancock, Harrison, and Stone Counties, which means that our needs have grown.

When we assign an advocate to a child, we know that this advocate could make all the difference. Our goal is to be able to fully fund our staff to support our volunteers so that the children of South Mississippi can have one caring adult to represent their best interests. An anchor is described as “a person or thing that can be relied on for support, stability, or security; mainstay.” Would you consider becoming a CASA Anchor—one of our monthly supporters? Your regular donation, no matter the amount, could make the world of a difference for a child and family. This monthly contribution could mean that a child is removed from the waiting list and assigned a volunteer who is recruited, trained, and supported by CASA Staff.

Become a CASA Anchor Monthly Supporter