by Naomi Strawhorn | May 9, 2023 | advocates, Events
On Tuesday, May at 6:00pm at the County Courthouse, CASA of Hancock County will host a Swearing In Ceremony. Judge S. Trent Favre will officially swear in eleven new advocates: Larry Hiliard, Terry Hilliard, Carol Yovandich, Evelyn “Nonnie” Debardeleben,...
by Naomi Strawhorn | Dec 1, 2020 | fundraiser
Some of the best cooks in Hancock County are cooking for CASA every Monday through January 4th. Drive through pickup at the CASA office at 644 Dunbar Avenue. You can pre-purchase through venmo or pay this evening starting at 5pm. $10 suggested...
by Naomi Strawhorn | May 14, 2020 | advocates
Angie was sworn in on September 25, 2018 and has been advocating for a sibling group who was in the system for two years prior to Angie receiving the case. Angie saw the case through and the children were successfully adopted last month! Angie has been a wonderful...
by Naomi Strawhorn | May 12, 2020 | covid19, tbri
May is National Foster Care Month, and as part of our efforts to support our foster parents during the COVID-19 social distancing period, Victim Services Coordinator Naomi Strawhorn will be providing weekly virtual training classes featuring TBRI® principles of...
by Naomi Strawhorn | Apr 17, 2020 | advocates
Annually, CASA of Hancock County recognizes one advocate who has provided extraordinary service to the community. This year’s Advocate of the Year is Susan Mumme. Susan became a CASA Advocate in February 2015. Since that time she has been the voice and advocated...